Turkey’s Central Bank Surprises Economists with 500 Basis Point Hike in Key Interest Rate

In a surprising move, Turkey’s central bank has hiked its key interest rate, the benchmark one-week repo rate, by 500 basis points to 40%, which is double the economists’ expectations of a 250-basis-point hike. The decision was made in an attempt to combat high inflation and a falling lira, the Turkish currency, which has seen an inflation rate of 61% in October.

The central bank’s decision came as a surprise to many experts, with Timothy Ash, an emerging markets strategist at BlueBay Asset Management, being one of the few who anticipated the 500-basis-point hike. He praised the move, calling it a “really impressive move” and acknowledging the bank’s determination to fight inflation.

This latest interest rate increase is part of a series of actions aimed at stabilizing the Turkish economy, which has been plagued by skyrocketing inflation and a dramatically weakened currency in recent years. The lira has lost 35% of its value against the dollar year to date and over 80% in the last five years, prompting the central bank to take action in order to prevent further decline.

The Turkish lira was trading at 28.766 to the dollar following the news, showing a slight strengthening against the greenback. However, the real impact of the interest rate hike on the currency and the overall economy remains to be seen.

The decision to hike interest rates has been met with both praise and criticism, as it is expected to have a significant effect on the Turkish population. The move is aimed at curbing inflation and stabilizing the currency, but it also comes with the potential for negative consequences for the average Turkish citizen.

The central bank’s proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to addressing the economic challenges facing Turkey, but the true impact of the interest rate hike will only become clear in the coming months. The uncertainty surrounding the economic situation in Turkey makes it a story worth following closely as further developments unfold.

As the situation continues to evolve, all eyes will be on Turkey’s central bank and the effects of its bold decision on the country’s economy. This breaking news story is one to watch as it develops further, and updates are expected shortly.