Title: Renowned Investor Su Zhu Shares Insights on Cryptocurrency Market Renowned investor Su Zhu, who is the CEO and CIO of Three Arrows Capital, recently shared valuable insights during a panel discussion at the...
Jack Patrick Dorsey: A Pioneer of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Jack Patrick Dorsey, born on November 19, 1976, is a testament to the American dream of innovation and entrepreneurship. Best known as the co-founder and...
Tech Stocks Drive Market Surge in Midday Trading Companies in the technology sector are making headlines during midday trading, driving the market surge with their performance and strategic announcements. Salesforce Leads Dow Jones Industrial...
Controversy over Enshrinement in Ethereum Community Blockworks co-founder Michael Ippolito Speaks Out In a recent development, the issue of enshrinement in the Ethereum community has once again sparked controversy. Michael Ippolito, co-founder of Blockworks,...
Jim Cramer Names Palo Alto Networks Top Cybersecurity Stock CNBC’s Jim Cramer has named Palo Alto Networks (PANW) as his top cybersecurity stock pick after the company achieved a significant milestone. This comes after...
Manta Pacific to Transition to Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine Manta Pacific, a leading blockchain technology company, has announced its plans to transition from its current status as an optimistic rollup to becoming a zero-knowledge...
**Inflation Holds Steady in October, Dampening Rate Hike Possibilities** *Personal Spending and Inflation Data* In October, the personal consumption expenditures price index, excluding food and energy prices, saw a 0.2% rise for the month...
## Researchers Discover Potential for Privacy-Enabling Zero-Knowledge Functionality on Ethereum’s Base Layer A recent study conducted by a team of researchers has unveiled the potential for privacy-enabled zero-knowledge functionality on Ethereum’s base layer. This...
Euro Zone Inflation Cools to 2.4% in November A weekend crowd was seen visiting the Aachen Christmas market in Germany. The general view took place on November 25, 2023. (Photo by Ying Tang/NurPhoto via...
**Hacker exploits Raft Finance protocol, causing $3.3 million loss in ether** *In a shocking turn of events, a hacker managed to exploit the Raft Finance protocol, resulting in a loss of approximately $3.3 million...